Top 10k strings from Greedy Gulch (1983)(Phipps Associates)[a].z80
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2 b$="Not here!": 2 b$="I don't have it!": 2 b$="I can't carry any more.": 2 b$="I already have it!": 2 b$="Better drop something first!": 2 b$=" - "+o$(x): 2 BREAK=1000 2 )-room*100 1 }|#^H${|!t^F 5<0!n<0" 1 }#s>$}y#s?$zzz}#6N$sz#0K$y 1 |#n6$x|#f6$x|#b2$ 1 |#TD$`||il|#84$l|! 1 |#T:$~q!sZ5#|,$xxvy!uy'#6%$w 1 {||y#M4$|ww|| 1 {|ul{#a<$k|#<%$| 1 y}z||z#7M$zz|z#9M$~{|z" 1 y$=y$+" ": 1 y#6M$y~#6N$~z 1 sc+" points!") 1 rJ#|P$d||d 1 rJ#|L$hpP|h 1 rJ#|H$txt{tyxhd|x 1 rJ#|4$l}i~j 1 o(x)=q(x): 1 m||e#p0$m|#p8$m|! 1 m$(room,x): 1 m$(room,x) 1 m$(room,rp): 1 e,#h8$|t#j2$ 1 e$=c$(cp): 1 draw=((d$(1 1 d$="You'll have to work harder than that before you get any help from me!" 1 d$="No hint here!": 1 break=1000 1 b$=b$+".": 1 b$=b$+" go that way" 1 b$=b$+" do that at present" 1 b$="You have scored "+("nothing at all!" 1 b$="What shall I do now?": 1 b$="There is also:": 1 b$="There are 3 files to be saved": 1 b$="Press any key to save next file": 1 b$="It is dark. Better get some": 1 b$="I have with me:": 1 b$="I don't understand that!": 1 b$="I can't" 1 b$="Do you want to try again?": 1 b$="Do you want to save this game?": 1 b$="Do you want to continue?": 1 b$="...Okay.": 1 b$=" nothing at all.": 1 Y$=A$(CP,3 1 What shall I do now? 1 THE SNAKE BIT ME! 1 ROOM DESCRIPTIONS 1 OK=(O(N)=ROOM 1 OK=(O(N)<0 1 OK=(N=ROOM) 1 OK=(C(N)=1 1 O(N)=O(N-1 1 O(N)=O(N+1 1 N 01NORT01S 02SOUT02E 03EAST03W 04WEST04U 05UP 05D 06DOWN06ENTE07IN 07OUT 08LEAV08EXIT08GET 09TAKE09PICK09DROP10PUT 10LIST11INVE11LOOK12QUIT13HINT79USE 15STRI15SHOO16FIRE16WEAR18CHOP19CUT 19FILL20MOVE21PUSH21JUMP22READ23SHAR24BREA25CABI26OPEN27CLOS28PUMP29DRES30LOAD17BOOK34REGI34ZEEK35PROP36LIFT37RAIS37HOTE38SHER39STOR40ASSA41DOOR42CAFE43SALO44BOAR45HOUS45LEFT46SHOP47BARB47BARN48STAB49LIVE49BLAC50FORG50GRIN51WHEE51PLAN53BULL54GUN 55AXE 56MATC57NUGG59POLE60HAT 61LAMP62BOTT65TIN 67WATE68CRAT69MAP 71LIGH72CUPB73DRIN15ZULU75WIND76CLIM77SCOR78HINT79CLUE79HELP80TELLTLFORTFODWARDWBOX MTFERRh7GRATh8GIANh9PANEi0CLEFi1DRAGi2LEVEe1SWORi4SHIEi5CLOAi6KEY i7BOOKi8ROPEi9SQUIj0MIRRj1BOATh7RINGj2JUG j3SPEAj4EDELj5PANSj6WATEf3AXE j7PRINj8SYMBj9RUNEj9TREEk0ROCKk1SEVEk2VINEk3EAGLk4KNOBk5WALLm0YARRg5ZULPg6TRANg7KEEPk6NOTIk7BOARk7WATEf3JUG j3CANDk9STICl0HANDl1COINl2INGOl3FLUIl4JEWEl5DRAPi6DOORl6POTIl7MASKl8AMULl9WANDl0NEW m1URN m2COBWm4SCORm5LADDm6CIRCm7CUPBm8BRIDm9CRYSn0TIE n1INTOb9THRUb9TAKEa9CASKh1 1 I am dead! 1 GREEDY GULCH 1 GET ROUTINE 1 G05.F03R14D21E08N. 1 E$=A$(Cp,5 1 DROP ROUTINE 1 DESCRIBE ROOM 1 CONDITIONS 1 CHECK FOR MOVEMENT 1 CHECK FOR CONDITIONALS 1 C(N)=C(N)-1 1 BREAK=1100 1 ACCEPT COMMAND 1 << BANG >> 1 ;"street"; 1 ;"spring"; 1 ;"runs into"; 1 ;"mine >": 1 ;"map with"; 1 ;"is very"; 1 ;"a pool.": 1 ;"You may command me to do any- thing you wish by typing a shortsentence in reply to the 'WHAT SHALL I DO NOW?' prompt." 1 ;"To the"; 1 ;"There are three files to load...Start the tape now." 1 ;"The town"; 1 ;"The roof"; 1 ;"The Store": 1 ;"The Stables": 1 ;"The Saloon": 1 ;"The Mine"; 1 ;"The Desert"; 1 ;"The Desert": 1 ;"Stable W 1 ;"SHERIFFS GENERAL"; 1 ;"SALOON"; 1 ;"Press a key...": 1 ;"Press a key to scroll...": 1 ;"Press a key to continue...": 1 ;"Press a key to continue": 1 ;"Press ANY key"; 1 ;"OFFICE"; 1 ;"MAIN ST"; 1 ;"Livery"; 1 ;"I have no"; 1 ;"HELP SCREEN",,,, 1 ;"Gulch cafe"; 1 ;"Entrance"; 1 ;"Do you want to load from a 1 ;"Boarding"; 1 ;"Blacksmith's forge" 1 ;"Are you starting a new game?": 1 ;"ADVENTURER'S DELIGHT": 1 ;"A small"; 1 ;"A plateau"; 1 ;"A path goes " 1 ;"** CONGRATULATIONS **": 1 5301540255035504550556065707590860096010611161126213621465156516671767187119 1 1983 Phipps Associates 1 0971A17.D05M. 1 01N 01NORT02S 02SOUT03E 03EAST04W 04WEST05U 05UP 06D 06DOWN07ENTE07IN 08OUT 08LEAV09GET 09PICK10DROP10PUT 11LIST11INVE12REDE12LOOK13QUIT14HINT15USE 15STRI16SHOO16FIRE18WEAR19CHOP19CUT 20FILL21MOVE21PUSH22JUMP23READ24SHAR25BREA26CABI27OPEN28CLOS29PUMP30DRES17LOAD34BOOK34REGI35ZEEK36PROP37LIFT37RAIS38HOTE39SHER40STOR41ASSA42DOOR43CAFE44SALO45BOAR45HOUS46LEFT47SHOP47BARB48BARN49STAB49LIVE50BLAC50FORG51GRIN51WHEE53PLAN54BULL55GUN 56AXE 57MATC59NUGG60POLE61HAT 62LAMP65BOTT67TIN 68WATE69CRAT71MAP 72LIGH73CUPB15DRIN75ZULU 1 .3#8@$l|#.@$|wy|| 1 );"The cabinet has been smashed open!" 1 );"A dead rattlesnake lies on the floor." 1 )+room*100 1 ));"' on the wall here." 1 ''"You did it! I expect you're 1 '"The window is open, allowing thebreeze to blow hot air in." 1 '"Someone has chalked the letter '"; 1 '"One of the cupboards is open!" 1 '"A face at the window has just disappeared!" 1 #[:#P4$l||} 1 #G<$ozjz 48.!u@.!u0.#tD${y|y 1 #<@$|a#h%$| 1 #0G$|gt{#.>" 1 "Zeeks map reads: 1 "You'll need to be sharp to make any use of this!" 1 "You see the name ""ZEEK THE 1 "You need some poles." 1 "You need equipment to break intothe cabinet." 1 "You could try filling my bottle." 1 "Why people insist on making me pour things down my throat I'll never know, but... here goes!" 1 "Water gushes into the sand at myfeet!" 1 "Try using your eyes!" 1 "Try using some equipment." 1 "Try looking at the map..." 1 "Try listing the objects you are of them may be useful when you are lost." 1 "This is the town's cafe, and I can see several plates of mouldyfood on the tables. There are cupboards along the walls and a pile of dirty table cloths by a counter." 1 "This is the sitting room, with several armchairs and small"'"tables spread around. The anti- macassars are covered in a"'"greasy oil, and I would rather not peer into the spittoon in the far corner, if you please!": 1 "This is the end of the mine as charted on Zeek's map, but a passage leading on to the west has a sign saying"''" ""ADVENTURER'S DELIGHT"""''"Now what could that mean?": 1 "This is the Sheriff's office. Old paperwork is scattered aboutthe room but there is no indi- cation of a jail. The Sheriff has left his gun cabinet here."'"It is locked and strongly made." 1 "This is the Blacksmith's forge, and I see an anvil and grinding wheel. The floor is littered with rusty nails, splashes of metal and straw.": 1 "This is a stock yard with an extremely high wooden fence all around. I doubt if I could get over it. Hoof prints in the sandlead mainly from the south and head out towards the west.": 1 "This balcony is extremely unsafe- I had better not stay here toolong! There are some rusty old cans underneath the rotting handrail, but othwerwise I cannot see much else. The desert 1 "There is a rattlesnake to the west!" 1 "There is a rattlesnake to the west of me." 1 "The water pours out of the pump and fills the leather bottle I am holding." 1 "The snake is now dead!!" 1 "The pump needs to be worked hard- give it a bit of wellie!" 1 "The poles are too long!" 1 "The poles are now short enough to be used for propping up the roof." 1 "The lamp is empty." 1 "The gun is empty!" 1 "The fence is too high to climb (I told you so!)" 1 "The door has opened." 1 "The crate falls open." 1 "The crate defies all my best efforts to do as you ask." 1 "The cabinet is open." 1 "The cabinet defies all my best efforts to do as you ask." 1 "The barber's chair and tools have been left here, and the floor moves as I walk on it. There are traces of hair on the floor around the base of the chair, suggesting that someone has been here not very long ago." 1 "The axe is too blunt." 1 "The assay office is filled with boxes of maps, each showing a mine location. The maps are all neatly indexed by name.": 1 "THE ROOF HAS FALLEN IN ON ME!" 1 "Perhaps there's something under foot that might give you a lift!" 1 "Paths go " 1 "Oh dear. I would give up now if I were you! You really need a map to find your way around the desert!" 1 "Now, what can I use to prop up this roof?" 1 "No hint - just sit back and 1 "Look before you leap (or jump!)" 1 "It gurgles." 1 "Inside the mine it is cold and damp, dripping water echoes 1 "If I were you, I'd try examiningsome of the items in view..." 1 "I warned you! The balcony has collapsed under my weight! 1 "I need to protect my delicate head!" 1 "I need to know whose map you arelooking for!" 1 "I caught sight of someone in thecorner of my eye, but as I 1 "I am in the store's backroom where I can see a large wooden crate on the floor. There are no windows, but light filters through some cracks in the roof."''"The crate has been smashed open." 1 "I am in the hotel reception. Theregister of names is open on thedesk. There are signs that some-one has been here quite recentlysince I can see some hand printsin the thick dust.": 1 "I am in an old barn, with"'"rubbish strewn everywhere. An old weathercock above the door- way is squeaking in the light breeze.": 1 "I am in a damp musty cellar, which has obviously not been used for many years. A set of creaky wooden steps leads upwardbehind me.": 1 "I am in a bedroom. A dirty"'"pillow lies on an old mattress on an iron bedstead. The window is so filthy I can hardly see through, but I think I am over- looking the desert off to the west." 1 "I am dying of thirst..." 1 "I am at the edge of a small 1 "How should I do that?" 1 "Get whose map?" 1 "GLUG. GLUG. 1 "From this entrance hall I can see a flight of stairs and an open doorway to my left. An old daguerreotype hangs on the wall showing the portrait of a man wearing a miner's hat. He has a beard and rather large scar 1 "Do you think it could be a, no, it couldn't be... but perhaps it is...What do you think???" 1 "CONGRATS!" 1 "Answer YES or NO:"; 1 " Perhaps you want me to enter a building - so type (e.g) ENTER THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE. Afterwardsyou will type GO OUT to get me out of the building when you have finished." 1 " If you want me to move, try GO EAST or GO NORTH etc."'" If you want me to take an"'"object with me, type GET THE GUN(for example)." 1 " Always read my descriptions very carefully, since they hold all the clues needed to solve the adventure." 1 " A31F12.D30D24Q. 1 !qoP#^K$|y 1 wondering who this mysterious person is - well, personally, I don't believe in ghosts, but folks 'round these parts do tellof Zeek's spirit still walking the streets, waiting to avenge his untimely death at the hands of the James Gang."''"Who knows?": 1 turned, he disappeared. 1 spreads away as far as I can seebut there is a small plateau in the distance.": 1 ravine, 6 feet wide and very deep, since I cannot hear any- thing if I drop a small stone. My voice echoes as I speak into the depths.": 1 previously saved game?",: 1 or you may be in trouble!": 1 nugget! Some long poles 1 enjoy a good wander!" 1 around the walls. The roof sags badly, and as I move, I can hearthe old beams creaking with the occasional fall of rocks and stones." 1 across his cheek.": 1 Written by Mike Farley 1 Start line 1 Spectrum Version 11.5.83 1 Some short poles A miner's hat 1 Oooh, boy! Did I need that!" 1 MINER"" as the most recent entry." 1 MAIN STREET 1 I hit my head!" 1 I AM DEAD!" 1 H03F16.D31N. 1 Greedy Gulch 1 G09.D32Q. 1 G04B04.H04D18N. 1 Four bullets 1 E09G08F10.D07G0804E10N.E09G08E10.D24Q. 1 E09F14.G0712G0805E14N. E09G07.D08T07T08N. 1 E09.T07T08. 1 An empty gun 1 A33.F14F09F10N. 1 A31F13.D27D24Q. 1 A30C12.K29N. 1 A28.E09N. 1 A22.F14F09F10N. 1 A01D08.S72N. 1 A loaded gun 1 A lighted lamp 1 A leather bottle A bottle with water A tin full of oil An empty tin 1 A hat being worn An oil lamp 1 A box of matches A 1 8000.S69. 1 7900.S60. 1 7800.S73. 1 7700A40.K15O. 1 7700A15E19.K40G0903O. 1 7700A07.D39M. 1 7262.D15M. 1 6900A18F07.D38M. 1 3700A09.K13E02O. 1 3600A30C09.D28M. 1 3600A30B10.E13J10L. 1 3600A30B09.D29M. 1 2776A15.E19L. 1 2773A12F17.I17E17O. 1 2742A04.K18O. 1 2600A03F04.D37M. 1 2565A33D15.H15L. 1 2526A03F04.D15N. 1 2500A18F07.D15N. 1 2456A20D06.F05L. 1 2334A02.D20M. 1 2200A22C19.K23O. 1 2200A22B19.K24E09O. 1 2062B13B17.E15H17L. 1 1983 PHIPPS ASSOCIATES 1 1900A30.D15M. 1 1861D11.H11L. 1 1755D03D02.H03J02G0405L. 1 1600D04.T04D03M. 1 1600D03.D18M. 1 1600A30D04F11.T04E11D26M. 1 1600A30D04E11.T04E12D14M. 1 1568E09E10B16.F10G0800R16D36M. 2065A33D15.H15L. 1 1568B16.R16D35M. 1 1560A30B10.E13J10L. 1 1560A30B09.D29M. 1 1557D07D13F08.H13E03G0508O. 1 1557D07D13E15.H13E03T05O. 1 1557B13E08F15.D21N. 1 1556A30F05B09.H09D34M. 1 1556A30E05.D04M. 1 1556A18D06F07.D16E07I02O. 1 1556A03D06F04.E04E05I03O. 1 1551A20D06.F05L. 1 1529E06.D11T06M. 1 1529A11F06.G0602E06D11N. 1 1529A11E06G06B15.H15F06D33N. 1529A11E06G06.D12F06N. 1 1271D19.D19M. 1 1061D12.R12C11L. 1 1000.S71M. 1 0935A17.B19L. 1 0900.S70M. 1 0800A30.F02K29O. 1 0800A20.K19O. 1 0800A18.K04O. 1 0800A17.K05O. 1 0800A12.K11O. 1 0800A10.K05O. 1 0800A09.K06O. 1 0800A04.K01O. 1 0800A03.K01O. 1 0800A02.K01O. 1 0745A11.K14O. 1 0744A05.K10O. 1 0743A11.K12O. 1 0741A05.K17O. 1 0740A01.K04O. 1 0739A01.K03O. 1 0738A01.K02O. 1 0700A29D12.E02K30O. 1 0700A29.D25M. 1 0600A15.K14O. 1 0500A14.K15O. 1 0500A13.K09F02O. 1 **** Greedy Gulch **** 1 "+("I think he had a scar!" 1 Side street"; 1 BARBERS"; 1 THIS PROGRAM IS PROTECTED